Sweet Georgia Brown

So I was just thinkin’…ya know Sweet Brown of “ain’t nobody got time for that” fame? Does her fictitious middle name happen to be Georgia? Does anyone remember that song? Does anyone remember the Harlem Globetrotters and especially “Curly” Neal? How about this…does anyone remember when the Harlem Globetrotters made it to animation and Scooby-Doo, hence, the big time? High-fives to those of you who do! Side note: I always thought Meadowlark Lemon should have his own Crayola crayon named after him. I kinda still hold out hope.


In other news, we hit a deer tonight. I would say that I don’t know how our night could have gotten worse but frankly, it wasn’t that awful as there was no damage to our car. I did end up having quite a pain in the neck for a little while afterwards, though. Anyway, I’ve been on this earth long enough to know that it could always get worse. Much worse. Like you don’t wanna crawl out of bed and see other humans or the naked light of day for a month or more because somebody you love died kind of worse. Chronic complainers (mm-hmm, I may be pointing at you or someone you know), y’all don’t even get how you tempt God. If I were you, I wouldn’t do it. And if I were me, I wouldn’t stand too close to you. And you’ll notice that I don’t.

PS: If I’d named the pain in my neck, I’m positive I would’ve chosen the name of a chronic complainer and not Meadowlark Lemon.